Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Scramble in the Interior RegionScramble in the Interior Region

An unfilled island in the Straits of Makassar, the island of Run-running around, making the link of South Kalimantan and West Sulawesi tapering. Though the island is rich in smear with oil and chatter is still in the area of ​​Indonesia.

"In opinion we do not sort out question the access area of ​​the island everywhere it is still in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. I sort out not trouble who manages a apparent but someone has to deal with," understood the controller of Legal Department of the Interior Ministry (Kemendagri), Zudan Arif Fakrulloh as discussion to AFP on Friday (05/25/2012).

After the era of regional self-rule in ahead of schedule 2000, the various regional divisions. The extra territory's map reached 200 are at that time provided pro in the Act. But not mentioned in the Act to point the boundaries linking its coordinates. So many disputes rise shortly regarding borders, especially the territorial sea or the mountains.

"Then Kemendagri made the decision to explain the areas everywhere the A access. B into place. Kemendagri this decision is final and absolute under Article 198 Local Government Act. But this is a in doubt top in the prospect," understood the man was a professor holders.

Zudan furthermore recognize the appropriation come forth on the border of the taper as here is a 'cake' economics. That is thumbs down source of wealth, who was exposed with the determination of the boundary.

"It must be on paper in the law steady boundary to the top of the ordinate," understood Zudan.

The island area of ​​approximately 4 hectares was solely untidy shrubs. Fair sand around the island in the midpoint of the ocean.

Based on the website of Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Kotabaru, the makings energy sources in the island is dry chatter (dry gas). With the content consists of 97-98 methane, 0.5 to 0.75 mol percent CO2 and 0.2 to 0.32 for every cent nitrogen. While the chatter is controlled in the island sort out not contain gray metals.

Running, running around the island seizure was registered with digit 1 P/HUM/2012 MA. The justification was resolute by the Supreme Court with judges Paul E Lotulung, Achmad Sukardja and Supandi. Petition filed on January 3, 2012 was resolute by the Supreme Court on May 2, 2012 continue.

"To grant the petition Rudy Arifin," wrote Supreme Court clerks as reported by the MA website on Thursday (5/24/2012).

On this Supreme Court decision, West Sulawesi administrator will fight. "I will not allow an creep Sulbar territory taken by somebody. It's fit in marble," understood West Sulawesi Governor Anwar Adnan Saleh, told AFP on Thursday (5/24/2012).

Adapted from: detik

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